Friday, 26 September 2008

Mozzy help

Hello Mozzy.
Sedrick lazy anteater so Mozzy help blog today. Mozzy write about important things like how Mozzy is best panda. Also very important information about how Mozzy is still very fuzzy.
Mozzy news!
Today Mozzy get postcard from big fuzzy in japan. Mozzy like postcard, Mozzy wonder which building bamboo is kept in.

Mozzy also make new friend. New friend is very fuzzy, and also a whale. Hello Wally!

Big fuzzy home soon. Mozzy look forward to Mozzycam. Also Mozzy want presents.
Night night Mozzy!


Loaf said...

Silly lazy Sedrick, good news that intelligent Mozzy is around to take control of the internets :)

I managed to get footage of Mozzy Uncle at Ueno Zoo! He told me to say hello and that he is sending you some bamboo in the post. I hear it is tasty!

Mozzy webcam soon?

Loaf said...

Awwwww new fuzzy!

Rob said...

Sedrick is not lazy Sedrick just likes to stay in bed a lot of the time.