Mozzy Panda here with important fuzzy report on Christmas day.
Mozzy like Christmas! Roofus like Christmas too! Mozzy and Roofus look for fuzzy presents under the tree. Tree looks very small to Mozzy.

Mozzy investigate outside through the window. Mozzy snow! Mozzy white Christmas! Mozzy think lots of snow outside. Mozzy keep hat on so Mozzy stay warm.

Mozzy busy day! Mozzy know lots of traditions on Christmas day, like important dinner. Mozzy helpful Panda, so Mozzy cook Christmas dinner for everyone.

Mozzy careful not to burn paws. Mozzy lots of food to prepare! Mozzy wonder if turkey taste like bamboo?

Mozzy responsible panda! Mozzy do washing up after Mozzy cook dinner.

Mozzy decide to investigate snow. Mozzy snow is very cold! Also very white, like Mozzy ears. Mozzy ears fuzzy though. Snow not fuzzy (just cold).

Mozzy look at snow closer. Mozzy get a cold nose!

Mozzy pretty view. Mozzy think good chance to show off how fuzzy Mozzy is. Mozzy pose! (Mozzy is very fuzzy)

Mozzy make new friend on Christmas! New fuzzy not have a name yet, but new fuzzy is very fuzzy. Not as fuzzy as Mozzy though.

Mozzy like Christmas! Mozzy do it again next year!

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